Sunday, November 3, 2013

Bare feet vs. feet with shoes

I often choose not to wear shoes when I don't have to. I find that shoes are very restricting and that bare feet are much more fun and natural. Yet people seem repulsed when I am not wearing shoes, like feet are alien concepts to most people. What I am especially confused by is people telling me that bare feet are 'disgusting', what confuses me here is this: taking off shoes does not suddenly make a clean floor dirty, people wearing shoes are stepping on the exact same thing and yet, somehow, bare feet are more disgusting. I just don't get it. Wearing shoes is also un-American. The declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal, and 'men' has an e in it, as does the word 'feet', thus substituting feet in for men, we get, all feet are created equal, thus a foot with a shoe is exactly the same, by the definition of equal, as a foot without a shoe. I rest my case. bare feet are just as disgusting as non-bare feet. Pop the champagne.

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